Search Results: "Ian Main"

17 May 2024

Debian Brasil: MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 - um breve relato

De 27 a 30 de abril de 2024 foi realizada a MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 no Campus Pampulha da UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, em Belo Horizonte - MG. MiniDebConf BH 2024 banners Esta foi a quinta vez que uma MiniDebConf (como um evento presencial exclusivo sobre Debian) aconteceu no Brasil. As edi es anteriores foram em Curitiba (2016, 2017, e 2018), e em Bras lia 2023. Tivemos outras edi es de MiniDebConfs realizadas dentro de eventos de Software Livre como o FISL e a Latinoware, e outros eventos online. Veja o nosso hist rico de eventos. Paralelamente MiniDebConf, no dia 27 (s bado) aconteceu o FLISOL - Festival Latino-americano de Instala o de Software Livre, maior evento da Am rica Latina de divulga o de Software Livre realizado desde o ano de 2005 simultaneamente em v rias cidades. A MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 foi um sucesso (assim como as edi es anteriores) gra as participa o de todos(as), independentemente do n vel de conhecimento sobre o Debian. Valorizamos a presen a tanto dos(as) usu rios(as) iniciantes que est o se familiarizando com o sistema quanto dos(as) desenvolvedores(as) oficiais do projeto. O esp rito de acolhimento e colabora o esteve presente em todos os momentos. MiniDebConf BH 2024 flisol N meros da edi o 2024 Durante os quatro dias de evento aconteceram diversas atividades para todos os n veis de usu rios(as) e colaboradores(as) do projeto Debian. A programa o oficial foi composta de: MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra Os n meros finais da MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 mostram que tivemos um recorde de participantes. Dos 224 participantes, 15 eram contribuidores(as) oficiais brasileiros sendo 10 DDs (Debian Developers) e 05 (Debian Maintainers), al m de diversos(as) contribuidores(as) n o oficiais. A organiza o foi realizada por 14 pessoas que come aram a trabalhar ainda no final de 2023, entre elas o Lo c Cerf do Departamento de Computa o que viabilizou o evento na UFMG, e 37 volunt rios(as) que ajudaram durante o evento. Como a MiniDebConf foi realizado nas instala es da UFMG, tivemos a ajuda de mais de 10 funcion rios da Universidade. Veja a lista com os nomes das pessoas que ajudaram de alguma forma na realiza o da MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024. A diferen a entre o n mero de pessoas inscritas e o n mero de pessoas presentes provavelmente se explica pelo fato de n o haver cobran a de inscri o, ent o se a pessoa desistir de ir ao evento ela n o ter preju zo financeiro. A edi o 2024 da MiniDebconf Belo Horizonte foi realmente grandiosa e mostra o resultado dos constantes esfor os realizados ao longo dos ltimos anos para atrair mais colaboradores(as) para a comunidade Debian no Brasil. A cada edi o os n meros s aumentam, com mais participantes, mais atividades, mais salas, e mais patrocinadores/apoiadores. MiniDebConf BH 2024 grupo

MiniDebConf BH 2024 grupo Atividades A programa o da MiniDebConf foi intensa e diversificada. Nos dias 27, 29 e 30 (s bado, segunda e ter a-feira) tivemos palestras, debates, oficinas e muitas atividades pr ticas. MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra J no dia 28 (domingo), ocorreu o Day Trip, um dia dedicado a passeios pela cidade. Pela manh sa mos do hotel e fomos, em um nibus fretado, para o Mercado Central de Belo Horizonte. O pessoal aproveitou para comprar v rias coisas como queijos, doces, cacha as e lembrancinhas, al m de experimentar algumas comidas locais. MiniDebConf BH 2024 mercado Depois de 2 horas de passeio pelo Mercado, voltamos para o nibus e pegamos a estrada para almo armos em um restaurante de comida t pica mineira. MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra Com todos bem alimentados, voltamos para Belo Horizonte para visitarmos o principal ponto tur stico da cidade: a Lagoa da Pampulha e a Capela S o Francisco de Assis, mais conhecida como Igrejinha da Pampulha. MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra Voltamos para o hotel e o dia terminou no hacker space que montamos na sala de eventos para o pessoal conversar, empacotar, e comer umas pizzas. MiniDebConf BH 2024 palestra Financiamento coletivo Pela terceira vez fizemos uma campanha de financiamento coletivo e foi incr vel como as pessoas contribu ram! A meta inicial era arrecadar o valor equivalente a uma cota ouro de R$ 3.000,00. Ao atingirmos essa meta, definimos uma nova, equivalente a uma cota ouro + uma cota prata (R$ 5.000,00). E novamente atingimos essa meta. Ent o propusermos como meta final o valor de uma cota ouro + prata + bronze, que seria equivalente a R$ 6.000,00. O resultado foi que arrecadamos R$ 6.706,79 com a ajuda de mais de 100 pessoas! Muito obrigado as pessoas que contribu ram com qualquer valor. Como forma de agradecimento, listamos os nomes das pessoas que doaram. MiniDebConf BH 2024 doadores Bolsas de alimenta o, hospedagem e/ou passagens para participantes Cada edi o da MiniDebConf trouxe alguma inova o, ou algum benef cio diferente para os(a) participantes. Na edi o deste ano em Belo Horizonte, assim como acontece nas DebConfs, oferecemos bolsas de alimenta o, hospedagem e/ou passagens para ajudar aquelas pessoas que gostariam de vir para o evento mas que precisariam de algum tipo de ajuda. No formul rio de inscri o, colocamos a op o para a pessoa solicitar bolsa de alimenta o, hospedagem e/ou passagens, mas para isso, ela deveria se identificar como contribuidor(a) (oficial ou n o oficial) do Debian e escrever uma justificativa para o pedido. N mero de pessoas beneficiadas: A bolsa de alimenta o forneceu almo o e jantar todos os dias. Os almo os inclu ram pessoas que moram em Belo Horizonte e regi o. J o jantares foram pagos para os(as) participantes que tamb m receberam a bolsa de hospedagem e/ou passagens. A hospedagem foi realizada no Hotel BH Jaragu . E as passagens inclu ram de avi o ou de nibus, ou combust vel (para quem veio de carro ou moto). Boa parte do dinheiro para custear as bolsas vieram do Projeto Debian, principalmente para as passagens. Enviamos um or amento o ent o l der do Debian Jonathan Carter, e ele prontamente aprovou o nosso pedido. Al m deste or amento do evento, o l der tamb m aprovou os pedidos individuais enviados por alguns DDs que preferiram solicitar diretamente para ele. A experi ncia de oferecer as bolsas foi realmente muito boa porque permitiu a vinda de v rias pessoas de outras cidades. MiniDebConf BH 2024 grupo Fotos e v deos Voc pode assistir as grava es das palestras nos links abaixo: E ver as fotos feitas por v rios(as) colaboradores(as) nos links abaixo: Agradecimentos Gostar amos de agradecer a todos(as) os(as) participantes, organizadores(as), volunt rios(as), patrocinadores(as) e apoiadores(as) que contribu ram para o sucesso da MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024. MiniDebConf BH 2024 grupo Patrocinadores Ouro: Prata: Bronze: Apoiadores Organiza o

2 May 2024

Bits from Debian: Bits from the DPL

Hi, Keeping my promise for monthly bits, here's a quick snapshot of my first ten days as DPL. Special thanks to Jonathan for an insightful introduction that left less room for questions. His introduction covered my first tasks like expense approval and CTTE member appointments thoroughly. Although I made a visible oversight by forgetting to exclude Simon McVittie from the list, whose term has ended , I'm committed to learning from this mistake. In future I'll prioritize thorough proofreading to ensure accuracy. Part of my "work" was learning what channels I need to subscribe and adjust my .procmailrc and .muttrc took some time. Recently I had my first press interview. I had to answer a couple of prepared questions for Business IT News. It seems journalists are always on the lookout for unique angles. When asked if humility is a new trait for DPLs, my response would be a resounding "No." In my experience, humility is a common quality among DPLs I've encountered, including Jonathan. One of my top priorities is reaching out to all our dedicated and appointed teams, including those managing critical infrastructure. I've begun with the CTTE, Salsa Admins and Debian Snapshot. Everything appears to be in order with the CTTE team. I'm waiting for response from Salsa and Snapshot, which is fine given the recent contact. I was pointed out to the fact that lintian is in an unfortunate state as Axel Beckert confirmed on the lintian maintainers list. It turns out that bug #1069745 of magics-python should not have been undetected for a long time if lintian bug #677078 would have been fixed. It seems obvious to me that lintian needs more work to fulfill its role as reliably policy checker to ensure our high level of packaging quality. In any case thanks a lot to Axel who is doing his best but it seems urgent to me to find some more person-power for this task. Any volunteer to lend some helping hand in the lintian maintainers team? On 2024-04-30 I gave my first talk "Bits from greenhorn DPL" online at MiniDebConf Brasil in Belo Horizonte. The Q&A afterwards stired some flavours of the question: "What can Debian Brasil do better?" My answer was always in a way: Given your great activity in now organising the fifth MiniDebConf you are doing pretty well and I have no additional hints for the moment. Kind regards Andreas.

1 May 2024

Bits from Debian: Debian welcomes the 2024 GSOC contributors/students

GSoC logo We are very excited to announce that Debian has selected seven contributors to work under mentorship on a variety of projects with us during the Google Summer of Code. Here are the list of the projects, students, and details of the tasks to be performed.
Project: Android SDK Tools in Debian Deliverables of the project: Make the entire Android toolchain, Android Target Platform Framework, and SDK tools available in the Debian archives.
Project: Benchmarking Parallel Performance of Numerical MPI Packages Deliverables of the project: Deliver an automated method for Debian maintainers to test selected numerical Debian packages for their parallel performance in clusters, in particular to catch performance regressions from updates, and to verify expected performance gains, such as Amdahl s and Gufstafson s law, from increased cluster resources.
Project: Debian MobCom Deliverables of the project: Update the outdated mobile packages and recreate aged packages due to new dependencies. Bring in more mobile communication tools by adding about 5 new packages.
Project: Improve support of the Rust coreutils in Debian Deliverables of the project: Make uutils behave more like GNU s coreutils by improving compatibility with GNU coreutils test suit.
Project: Improve support of the Rust findutils in Debian Deliverables of the project: A safer and more performant implementation of the GNU suite's xargs, find, locate and updatedb tools in rust.
Project: Expanding ROCm support within Debian and derivatives Deliverables of the project: Building, packaging, and uploading missing ROCm software into Debian repositories, starting with simple tools and progressing to high-level applications like PyTorch, with the final deliverables comprising a series of ROCm packages meeting community quality assurance standards.
Project: procps: Development of System Monitoring, Statistics and Information Tools in Rust Deliverables of the project: Improve the usability of the entire Rust-based implementation of the procps utility on Linux.
Congratulations and welcome to all the contributors! The Google Summer of Code program is possible in Debian thanks to the efforts of Debian Developers and Debian Contributors that dedicate part of their free time to mentor contributors and outreach tasks. Join us and help extend Debian! You can follow the contributors' weekly reports on the debian-outreach mailing-list, chat with us on our IRC channel or reach out to the individual projects' team mailing lists.

9 April 2024

Matthew Palmer: How I Tripped Over the Debian Weak Keys Vulnerability

Those of you who haven t been in IT for far, far too long might not know that next month will be the 16th(!) anniversary of the disclosure of what was, at the time, a fairly earth-shattering revelation: that for about 18 months, the Debian OpenSSL package was generating entirely predictable private keys. The recent xz-stential threat (thanks to @nixCraft for making me aware of that one), has got me thinking about my own serendipitous interaction with a major vulnerability. Given that the statute of limitations has (probably) run out, I thought I d share it as a tale of how huh, that s weird can be a powerful threat-hunting tool but only if you ve got the time to keep pulling at the thread.

Prelude to an Adventure Our story begins back in March 2008. I was working at Engine Yard (EY), a now largely-forgotten Rails-focused hosting company, which pioneered several advances in Rails application deployment. Probably EY s greatest claim to lasting fame is that they helped launch a little code hosting platform you might have heard of, by providing them free infrastructure when they were little more than a glimmer in the Internet s eye. I am, of course, talking about everyone s favourite Microsoft product: GitHub. Since GitHub was in the right place, at the right time, with a compelling product offering, they quickly started to gain traction, and grow their userbase. With growth comes challenges, amongst them the one we re focusing on today: SSH login times. Then, as now, GitHub provided SSH access to the git repos they hosted, by SSHing to with publickey authentication. They were using the standard way that everyone manages SSH keys: the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, and that became a problem as the number of keys started to grow. The way that SSH uses this file is that, when a user connects and asks for publickey authentication, SSH opens the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file and scans all of the keys listed in it, looking for a key which matches the key that the user presented. This linear search is normally not a huge problem, because nobody in their right mind puts more than a few keys in their ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, right?
2008-era GitHub giving monkey puppet side-eye to the idea that nobody stores many keys in an authorized_keys file
Of course, as a popular, rapidly-growing service, GitHub was gaining users at a fair clip, to the point that the one big file that stored all the SSH keys was starting to visibly impact SSH login times. This problem was also not going to get any better by itself. Something Had To Be Done. EY management was keen on making sure GitHub ran well, and so despite it not really being a hosting problem, they were willing to help fix this problem. For some reason, the late, great, Ezra Zygmuntowitz pointed GitHub in my direction, and let me take the time to really get into the problem with the GitHub team. After examining a variety of different possible solutions, we came to the conclusion that the least-worst option was to patch OpenSSH to lookup keys in a MySQL database, indexed on the key fingerprint. We didn t take this decision on a whim it wasn t a case of yeah, sure, let s just hack around with OpenSSH, what could possibly go wrong? . We knew it was potentially catastrophic if things went sideways, so you can imagine how much worse the other options available were. Ensuring that this wouldn t compromise security was a lot of the effort that went into the change. In the end, though, we rolled it out in early April, and lo! SSH logins were fast, and we were pretty sure we wouldn t have to worry about this problem for a long time to come. Normally, you d think patching OpenSSH to make mass SSH logins super fast would be a good story on its own. But no, this is just the opening scene.

Chekov s Gun Makes its Appearance Fast forward a little under a month, to the first few days of May 2008. I get a message from one of the GitHub team, saying that somehow users were able to access other users repos over SSH. Naturally, as we d recently rolled out the OpenSSH patch, which touched this very thing, the code I d written was suspect number one, so I was called in to help.
The lineup scene from the movie The Usual Suspects They're called The Usual Suspects for a reason, but sometimes, it really is Keyser S ze
Eventually, after more than a little debugging, we discovered that, somehow, there were two users with keys that had the same key fingerprint. This absolutely shouldn t happen it s a bit like winning the lottery twice in a row1 unless the users had somehow shared their keys with each other, of course. Still, it was worth investigating, just in case it was a web application bug, so the GitHub team reached out to the users impacted, to try and figure out what was going on. The users professed no knowledge of each other, neither admitted to publicising their key, and couldn t offer any explanation as to how the other person could possibly have gotten their key. Then things went from weird to what the ? . Because another pair of users showed up, sharing a key fingerprint but it was a different shared key fingerprint. The odds now have gone from winning the lottery multiple times in a row to as close to this literally cannot happen as makes no difference.
Milhouse from The Simpsons says that We're Through The Looking Glass Here, People
Once we were really, really confident that the OpenSSH patch wasn t the cause of the problem, my involvement in the problem basically ended. I wasn t a GitHub employee, and EY had plenty of other customers who needed my help, so I wasn t able to stay deeply involved in the on-going investigation of The Mystery of the Duplicate Keys. However, the GitHub team did keep talking to the users involved, and managed to determine the only apparent common factor was that all the users claimed to be using Debian or Ubuntu systems, which was where their SSH keys would have been generated. That was as far as the investigation had really gotten, when along came May 13, 2008.

Chekov s Gun Goes Off With the publication of DSA-1571-1, everything suddenly became clear. Through a well-meaning but ultimately disasterous cleanup of OpenSSL s randomness generation code, the Debian maintainer had inadvertently reduced the number of possible keys that could be generated by a given user from bazillions to a little over 32,000. With so many people signing up to GitHub some of them no doubt following best practice and freshly generating a separate key it s unsurprising that some collisions occurred. You can imagine the sense of oooooooh, so that s what s going on! that rippled out once the issue was understood. I was mostly glad that we had conclusive evidence that my OpenSSH patch wasn t at fault, little knowing how much more contact I was to have with Debian weak keys in the future, running a huge store of known-compromised keys and using them to find misbehaving Certificate Authorities, amongst other things.

Lessons Learned While I ve not found a description of exactly when and how Luciano Bello discovered the vulnerability that became CVE-2008-0166, I presume he first came across it some time before it was disclosed likely before GitHub tripped over it. The stable Debian release that included the vulnerable code had been released a year earlier, so there was plenty of time for Luciano to have discovered key collisions and go hmm, I wonder what s going on here? , then keep digging until the solution presented itself. The thought hmm, that s odd , followed by intense investigation, leading to the discovery of a major flaw is also what ultimately brought down the recent XZ backdoor. The critical part of that sequence is the ability to do that intense investigation, though. When I reflect on my brush with the Debian weak keys vulnerability, what sticks out to me is the fact that I didn t do the deep investigation. I wonder if Luciano hadn t found it, how long it might have been before it was found. The GitHub team would have continued investigating, presumably, and perhaps they (or I) would have eventually dug deep enough to find it. But we were all super busy myself, working support tickets at EY, and GitHub feverishly building features and fighting the fires in their rapidly-growing service. As it was, Luciano was able to take the time to dig in and find out what was happening, but just like the XZ backdoor, I feel like we, as an industry, got a bit lucky that someone with the skills, time, and energy was on hand at the right time to make a huge difference. It s a luxury to be able to take the time to really dig into a problem, and it s a luxury that most of us rarely have. Perhaps an understated takeaway is that somehow we all need to wrestle back some time to follow our hunches and really dig into the things that make us go hmm .

Support My Hunches If you d like to help me be able to do intense investigations of mysterious software phenomena, you can shout me a refreshing beverage on ko-fi.
  1. the odds are actually probably more like winning the lottery about twenty times in a row. The numbers involved are staggeringly huge, so it s easiest to just approximate it as really, really unlikely .

23 March 2024

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (January and February 2024)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

31 January 2024

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (November and December 2023)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributor was added as Debian Maintainer in the last two months: Congratulations!

4 December 2023

Ian Jackson: Don t use apt-get source; use dgit

tl;dr: If you are a Debian user who knows git, don t work with Debian source packages. Don t use apt source, or dpkg-source. Instead, use dgit and work in git. Also, don t use: VCS links on official Debian web pages, debcheckout, or Debian s (semi-)official gitlab, Salsa. These are suitable for Debian experts only; for most people they can be beartraps. Instead, use dgit. > Struggling with Debian source packages? A friend of mine recently asked for help on IRC. They re an experienced Debian administrator and user, and were trying to: make a change to a Debian package; build and install and run binary packages from it; and record that change for their future self, and their colleagues. They ended up trying to comprehend quilt. quilt is an ancient utility for managing sets of source code patches, from well before the era of modern version control. It has many strange behaviours and footguns. Debian s ancient and obsolete tarballs-and-patches source package format (which I designed the initial version of in 1993) nowadays uses quilt, at least for most packages. You don t want to deal with any of this nonsense. You don t want to learn quilt, and suffer its misbehaviours. You don t want to learn about Debian source packages and wrestle dpkg-source. Happily, you don t need to. Just use dgit One of dgit s main objectives is to minimise the amount of Debian craziness you need to learn. dgit aims to empower you to make changes to the software you re running, conveniently and with a minimum of fuss. You can use dgit to get the source code to a Debian package, as a git tree, with dgit clone (and dgit fetch). The git tree can be made into a binary package directly. The only things you really need to know are:
  1. By default dgit fetches from Debian unstable, the main work-in-progress branch. You may want something like dgit clone PACKAGE bookworm,-security (yes, with a comma).
  2. You probably want to edit debian/changelog to make your packages have a different version number.
  3. To build binaries, run dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b.
  4. Debian package builds are often disastrously messsy: builds might modify source files; and the official debian/rules clean can be inadequate, or crazy. Always commit before building, and use git clean and git reset --hard instead of running clean rules from the package.
Don t try to make a Debian source package. (Don t read the dpkg-source manual!) Instead, to preserve and share your work, use the git branch. dgit pull or dgit fetch can be used to get updates. There is a more comprehensive tutorial, with example runes, in the dgit-user(7) manpage. (There is of course complete reference documentation, but you don t need to bother reading it.) Objections But I don t want to learn yet another tool One of dgit s main goals is to save people from learning things you don t need to. It aims to be straightforward, convenient, and (so far as Debian permits) unsurprising. So: don t learn dgit. Just run it and it will be fine :-). Shouldn t I be using official Debian git repos? Absolutely not. Unless you are a Debian expert, these can be terrible beartraps. One possible outcome is that you might build an apparently working program but without the security patches. Yikes! I discussed this in more detail in 2021 in another blog post plugging dgit. Gosh, is Debian really this bad? Yes. On behalf of the Debian Project, I apologise. Debian is a very conservative institution. Change usually comes very slowly. (And when rapid or radical change has been forced through, the results haven t always been pretty, either technically or socially.) Sadly this means that sometimes much needed change can take a very long time, if it happens at all. But this tendency also provides the stability and reliability that people have come to rely on Debian for. I m a Debian maintainer. You tell me dgit is something totally different! dgit is, in fact, a general bidirectional gateway between the Debian archive and git. So yes, dgit is also a tool for Debian uploaders. You should use it to do your uploads, whenever you can. It s more convenient and more reliable than git-buildpackage and dput runes, and produces better output for users. You too can start to forget how to deal with source packages! A full treatment of this is beyond the scope of this blog post.

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30 November 2023

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (September and October 2023)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

12 November 2023

Petter Reinholdtsen: New and improved sqlcipher in Debian for accessing Signal database

For a while now I wanted to have direct access to the Signal database of messages and channels of my Desktop edition of Signal. I prefer the enforced end to end encryption of Signal these days for my communication with friends and family, to increase the level of safety and privacy as well as raising the cost of the mass surveillance government and non-government entities practice these days. In August I came across a nice recipe on how to use sqlcipher to extract statistics from the Signal database explaining how to do this. Unfortunately this did not work with the version of sqlcipher in Debian. The sqlcipher package is a "fork" of the sqlite package with added support for encrypted databases. Sadly the current Debian maintainer announced more than three years ago that he did not have time to maintain sqlcipher, so it seemed unlikely to be upgraded by the maintainer. I was reluctant to take on the job myself, as I have very limited experience maintaining shared libraries in Debian. After waiting and hoping for a few months, I gave up the last week, and set out to update the package. In the process I orphaned it to make it more obvious for the next person looking at it that the package need proper maintenance. The version in Debian was around five years old, and quite a lot of changes had taken place upstream into the Debian maintenance git repository. After spending a few days importing the new upstream versions, realising that upstream did not care much for SONAME versioning as I saw library symbols being both added and removed with minor version number changes to the project, I concluded that I had to do a SONAME bump of the library package to avoid surprising the reverse dependencies. I even added a simple autopkgtest script to ensure the package work as intended. Dug deep into the hole of learning shared library maintenance, I set out a few days ago to upload the new version to Debian experimental to see what the quality assurance framework in Debian had to say about the result. The feedback told me the pacakge was not too shabby, and yesterday I uploaded the latest version to Debian unstable. It should enter testing today or tomorrow, perhaps delayed by a small library transition. Armed with a new version of sqlcipher, I can now have a look at the SQL database in ~/.config/Signal/sql/db.sqlite. First, one need to fetch the encryption key from the Signal configuration using this simple JSON extraction command:
/usr/bin/jq -r '."key"' ~/.config/Signal/config.json
Assuming the result from that command is 'secretkey', which is a hexadecimal number representing the key used to encrypt the database. Next, one can now connect to the database and inject the encryption key for access via SQL to fetch information from the database. Here is an example dumping the database structure:
% sqlcipher ~/.config/Signal/sql/db.sqlite
sqlite> PRAGMA key = "x'secretkey'";
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE sqlite_stat1(tbl,idx,stat);
CREATE TABLE conversations(
      json TEXT,
      active_at INTEGER,
      type STRING,
      members TEXT,
      name TEXT,
      profileName TEXT
    , profileFamilyName TEXT, profileFullName TEXT, e164 TEXT, serviceId TEXT, groupId TEXT, profileLastFetchedAt INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE identityKeys(
      json TEXT
      json TEXT
CREATE TABLE sessions(
      conversationId TEXT,
      json TEXT
    , ourServiceId STRING, serviceId STRING);
CREATE TABLE attachment_downloads(
    id STRING primary key,
    timestamp INTEGER,
    pending INTEGER,
    json TEXT
CREATE TABLE sticker_packs(
    key TEXT NOT NULL,
    author STRING,
    coverStickerId INTEGER,
    createdAt INTEGER,
    downloadAttempts INTEGER,
    installedAt INTEGER,
    lastUsed INTEGER,
    status STRING,
    stickerCount INTEGER,
    title STRING
  , attemptedStatus STRING, position INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, storageID STRING, storageVersion INTEGER, storageUnknownFields BLOB, storageNeedsSync
CREATE TABLE stickers(
    packId TEXT NOT NULL,
    emoji STRING,
    height INTEGER,
    isCoverOnly INTEGER,
    lastUsed INTEGER,
    path STRING,
    width INTEGER,
    PRIMARY KEY (id, packId),
    CONSTRAINT stickers_fk
      FOREIGN KEY (packId)
      REFERENCES sticker_packs(id)
CREATE TABLE sticker_references(
    messageId STRING,
    packId TEXT,
    CONSTRAINT sticker_references_fk
      FOREIGN KEY(packId)
      REFERENCES sticker_packs(id)
    shortName TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
    lastUsage INTEGER
CREATE TABLE messages(
        id STRING UNIQUE,
        json TEXT,
        readStatus INTEGER,
        expires_at INTEGER,
        sent_at INTEGER,
        schemaVersion INTEGER,
        conversationId STRING,
        received_at INTEGER,
        source STRING,
        hasAttachments INTEGER,
        hasFileAttachments INTEGER,
        hasVisualMediaAttachments INTEGER,
        expireTimer INTEGER,
        expirationStartTimestamp INTEGER,
        type STRING,
        body TEXT,
        messageTimer INTEGER,
        messageTimerStart INTEGER,
        messageTimerExpiresAt INTEGER,
        isErased INTEGER,
        isViewOnce INTEGER,
        sourceServiceId TEXT, serverGuid STRING NULL, sourceDevice INTEGER, storyId STRING, isStory INTEGER
        GENERATED ALWAYS AS (type IS 'story'), isChangeCreatedByUs INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, isTimerChangeFromSync INTEGER
          json_extract(json, '$.expirationTimerUpdate.fromSync') IS 1
        ), seenStatus NUMBER default 0, storyDistributionListId STRING, expiresAt INT
        AS (ifnull(
          expirationStartTimestamp + (expireTimer * 1000),
        )), shouldAffectActivity INTEGER
          type IS NULL
          type NOT IN (
        ), shouldAffectPreview INTEGER
          type IS NULL
          type NOT IN (
        ), isUserInitiatedMessage INTEGER
          type IS NULL
          type NOT IN (
        ), mentionsMe INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, isGroupLeaveEvent INTEGER
          type IS 'group-v2-change' AND
          json_array_length(json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details')) IS 1 AND
          json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].type') IS 'member-remove' AND
          json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') IS NOT NULL AND
          json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') IS json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].aci')
        ), isGroupLeaveEventFromOther INTEGER
          isGroupLeaveEvent IS 1
          isChangeCreatedByUs IS 0
        ), callId TEXT
          json_extract(json, '$.callId')
CREATE TABLE sqlite_stat4(tbl,idx,neq,nlt,ndlt,sample);
        id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
        queueType TEXT STRING NOT NULL,
        timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL,
        data STRING TEXT
CREATE TABLE reactions(
        conversationId STRING,
        emoji STRING,
        fromId STRING,
        messageReceivedAt INTEGER,
        targetAuthorAci STRING,
        targetTimestamp INTEGER,
        unread INTEGER
      , messageId STRING);
CREATE TABLE senderKeys(
        senderId TEXT NOT NULL,
        distributionId TEXT NOT NULL,
        data BLOB NOT NULL,
        lastUpdatedDate NUMBER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE unprocessed(
        timestamp INTEGER,
        version INTEGER,
        attempts INTEGER,
        envelope TEXT,
        decrypted TEXT,
        source TEXT,
        serverTimestamp INTEGER,
        sourceServiceId STRING
      , serverGuid STRING NULL, sourceDevice INTEGER, receivedAtCounter INTEGER, urgent INTEGER, story INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE sendLogPayloads(
        timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL,
        contentHint INTEGER NOT NULL,
        proto BLOB NOT NULL
      , urgent INTEGER, hasPniSignatureMessage INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE sendLogRecipients(
        payloadId INTEGER NOT NULL,
        recipientServiceId STRING NOT NULL,
        deviceId INTEGER NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (payloadId, recipientServiceId, deviceId),
        CONSTRAINT sendLogRecipientsForeignKey
          FOREIGN KEY (payloadId)
          REFERENCES sendLogPayloads(id)
CREATE TABLE sendLogMessageIds(
        payloadId INTEGER NOT NULL,
        messageId STRING NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (payloadId, messageId),
        CONSTRAINT sendLogMessageIdsForeignKey
          FOREIGN KEY (payloadId)
          REFERENCES sendLogPayloads(id)
        json TEXT
      , ourServiceId NUMBER
        GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(json, '$.ourServiceId')));
CREATE TABLE signedPreKeys(
        json TEXT
      , ourServiceId NUMBER
        GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(json, '$.ourServiceId')));
        id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
        category TEXT NOT NULL,
        name TEXT NOT NULL,
        descriptionTemplate TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE badgeImageFiles(
        badgeId TEXT REFERENCES badges(id)
        'order' INTEGER NOT NULL,
        url TEXT NOT NULL,
        localPath TEXT,
        theme TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE storyReads (
        authorId STRING NOT NULL,
        conversationId STRING NOT NULL,
        storyId STRING NOT NULL,
        storyReadDate NUMBER NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (authorId, storyId)
CREATE TABLE storyDistributions(
        name TEXT,
        senderKeyInfoJson STRING
      , deletedAtTimestamp INTEGER, allowsReplies INTEGER, isBlockList INTEGER, storageID STRING, storageVersion INTEGER, storageUnknownFields BLOB, storageNeedsSync INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE storyDistributionMembers(
        listId STRING NOT NULL REFERENCES storyDistributions(id)
        serviceId STRING NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (listId, serviceId)
CREATE TABLE uninstalled_sticker_packs (
        uninstalledAt NUMBER NOT NULL,
        storageID STRING,
        storageVersion NUMBER,
        storageUnknownFields BLOB,
        storageNeedsSync INTEGER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE groupCallRingCancellations(
        createdAt INTEGER NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'messages_fts_idx'(segid, term, pgno, PRIMARY KEY(segid, term)) WITHOUT ROWID;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'messages_fts_content'(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, c0);
CREATE TABLE edited_messages(
        messageId STRING REFERENCES messages(id)
        sentAt INTEGER,
        readStatus INTEGER
      , conversationId STRING);
CREATE TABLE mentions (
        messageId REFERENCES messages(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
        mentionAci STRING,
        start INTEGER,
        length INTEGER
CREATE TABLE kyberPreKeys(
        json TEXT NOT NULL, ourServiceId NUMBER
        GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(json, '$.ourServiceId')));
CREATE TABLE callsHistory (
        callId TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
        peerId TEXT NOT NULL, -- conversation id (legacy)   uuid   groupId   roomId
        ringerId TEXT DEFAULT NULL, -- ringer uuid
        mode TEXT NOT NULL, -- enum "Direct"   "Group"
        type TEXT NOT NULL, -- enum "Audio"   "Video"   "Group"
        direction TEXT NOT NULL, -- enum "Incoming"   "Outgoing
        -- Direct: enum "Pending"   "Missed"   "Accepted"   "Deleted"
        -- Group: enum "GenericGroupCall"   "OutgoingRing"   "Ringing"   "Joined"   "Missed"   "Declined"   "Accepted"   "Deleted"
        status TEXT NOT NULL,
        timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL,
        UNIQUE (callId, peerId) ON CONFLICT FAIL
[ dropped all indexes to save space in this blog post ]
CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_view_once_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages
        new.body IS NOT NULL AND new.isViewOnce = 1
        DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid;
CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON messages
      WHEN new.isViewOnce IS NOT 1 AND new.storyId IS NULL
        INSERT INTO messages_fts
          (rowid, body)
          (new.rowid, new.body);
CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_delete AFTER DELETE ON messages BEGIN
        DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid;
        DELETE FROM sendLogPayloads WHERE id IN (
          SELECT payloadId FROM sendLogMessageIds
          WHERE messageId =
        DELETE FROM reactions WHERE rowid IN (
          SELECT rowid FROM reactions
          WHERE messageId =
        DELETE FROM storyReads WHERE storyId = old.storyId;
        tokenize = 'signal_tokenizer'
CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages
        (new.body IS NULL OR old.body IS NOT new.body) AND
         new.isViewOnce IS NOT 1 AND new.storyId IS NULL
        DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid;
        INSERT INTO messages_fts
          (rowid, body)
          (new.rowid, new.body);
CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert_insert_mentions AFTER INSERT ON messages
        INSERT INTO mentions (messageId, mentionAci, start, length)
    SELECT, bodyRanges.value ->> 'mentionAci' as mentionAci,
      bodyRanges.value ->> 'start' as start,
      bodyRanges.value ->> 'length' as length
    FROM messages, json_each(messages.json ->> 'bodyRanges') as bodyRanges
    WHERE bodyRanges.value ->> 'mentionAci' IS NOT NULL
        AND =;
CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update_update_mentions AFTER UPDATE ON messages
        DELETE FROM mentions WHERE messageId =;
        INSERT INTO mentions (messageId, mentionAci, start, length)
    SELECT, bodyRanges.value ->> 'mentionAci' as mentionAci,
      bodyRanges.value ->> 'start' as start,
      bodyRanges.value ->> 'length' as length
    FROM messages, json_each(messages.json ->> 'bodyRanges') as bodyRanges
    WHERE bodyRanges.value ->> 'mentionAci' IS NOT NULL
        AND =;
Finally I have the tool needed to inspect and process Signal messages that I need, without using the vendor provided client. Now on to transforming it to a more useful format. As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

27 September 2023

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (July and August 2023)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

5 August 2023

Bits from Debian: Debian Project Bits Volume 1, Issue 1

Debian Project Bits Volume 1, Issue 1 August 05, 2023 Welcome to the inaugural issue of Debian Project Bits! Those remembering the Debian Weekly News (DwN) will recognize some of the sections here which served as our inspiration. Debian Project Bits posts will allow for a faster turnaround of some project news on a monthly basis. The Debian Micronews service will continue to share shorter news items, the Debian Project News remains as our official newsletter which may move to a biannual archive format. News Debian Day The Debian Project was officially founded by Ian Murdock on August 16, 1993. Since then we have celebrated our Anniversary of that date each year with events around the world. We would love it if you could join our revels this very special year as we have the honor of turning 30! Attend or organize a local Debian Day celebration. You're invited to plan your own event: from Bug Squashing parties to Key Signing parties, Meet-Ups, or any type of social event whether large or small. And be sure to check our Debian reimbursement How To if you need such resources. You can share your days, events, thoughts, or notes with us and the rest of the community with the #debianday tag that will be used across most social media platforms. See you then! Events: Upcoming and Reports Upcoming Debian 30 anos The Debian Brasil Community is organizing the event Debian 30 anos to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Debian Project. From August 14 to 18, between 7pm and 22pm (UTC-3) contributors will talk online in Portuguese and we will live stream on Debian Brasil YouTube channel. DebConf23: Debian Developers Camp and Conference The 2023 Debian Developers Camp (DebCamp) and Conference (DebConf23) will be hosted this year in Infopark, Kochi, India. DebCamp is slated to run from September 3 through 9, immediately followed by the larger DebConf, September 10 through 17. If you are planning on attending the conference this year, now is the time to ensure your travel documentation, visa information, bursary submissions, papers and relevant equipment are prepared. For more information contact: debconf@debconf. MiniDebConf Cambridge 2023 There will be a MiniDebConf held in Cambridge, UK, hosted by ARM for 4 days in November: 2 days for a mini-DebCamp (Thu 23 - Fri 24), with space for dedicated development / sprint / team meetings, then two days for a more regular MiniDebConf (Sat 25 - Sun 26) with space for more general talks, up to 80 people. Reports During the last months, the Debian Community has organized some Bug Squashing Parties:
Tilburg, Netherlands. October 2022. St-Cergue, Switzerland. January 2023 Montreal, Canada. February 2023 In January, Debian India hosted the MiniDebConf Tamil Nadu in Viluppuram, Tamil Nadu, India (Sat 28 - Sun 26). The following month, the MiniDebConf Portugal 2023 was held in Lisbon (12 - 16 February 2023). These events, seen as a stunning success by some of their attendees, demonstrate the vitality of our community.
Debian Brasil Community at Campus Party Brazil 2023 Another edition of Campus Party Brazil took place in the city of S o Paulo between July 25th and 30th. And one more time the Debian Brazil Community was present. During the days in the available space, we carry out some activities such as: For more info and a few photos, check out the organizers' report. MiniDebConf Bras lia 2023 From May 25 to 27, Bras lia hosted the MiniDebConf Bras lia 2023. This gathering was composed of various activities such as talks, workshops, sprints, BSPs (Bug Squashing Party), key signings, social events, and hacking, aimed to bring the community together and celebrate the world's largest Free Software project: Debian. For more information please see the full report written by the organizers. Debian Reunion Hamburg 2023 This year the annual Debian Reunion Hamburg was held from Tuesday 23 to 30 May starting with four days of hacking followed by two days of talks, and then two more days of hacking. As usual, people - more than forty-five attendees from Germany, Czechia, France, Slovakia, and Switzerland - were happy to meet in person, to hack and chat together, and much more. If you missed the live streams, the video recordings are available. Translation workshops from the pt_BR team The Brazilian translation team, debian-l10n-portuguese, had their first workshop of 2023 in February with great results. The workshop was aimed at beginners, working in DDTP/DDTSS. For more information please see the full report written by the organizers. And on June 13 another workshop took place to translate The Debian Administrator's Handbook). The main goal was to show beginners how to collaborate in the translation of this important material, which has existed since 2004. The manual's translations are hosted on Weblate. Releases Stable Release Debian 12 bookworm was released on June 10, 2023. This new version becomes the stable release of Debian and moves the prior Debian 11 bullseye release to oldstable status. The Debian community celebrated the release with 23 Release Parties all around the world. Bookworm's first point release 12.1 address miscellaneous bug fixes affecting 88 packages, documentation, and installer updates was made available on July 22, 2023. RISC-V support riscv64 has recently been added to the official Debian architectures for support of 64-bit little-endian RISC-V hardware running the Linux kernel. We expect to have full riscv64 support in Debian 13 trixie. Updates on bootstrap, build daemon, porterbox, and development progress were recently shared by the team in a Bits from the Debian riscv64 porters post. non-free-firmware The Debian 12 bookworm archive now includes non-free-firmware; please be sure to update your apt sources.list if your systems requires such components for operation. If your previous sources.list included non-free for this purpose it may safely be removed. apt sources.list The Debian archive holds several components: Example of the sources.list file
deb bookworm main
deb-src bookworm main
deb bookworm-security main
deb-src bookworm-security main
deb bookworm-updates main
deb-src bookworm-updates main
Example using the components:
deb bookworm main non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm main non-free-firmware
deb bookworm-security main non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm-security main non-free-firmware
deb bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware
deb-src bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware
For more information and guidelines on proper configuration of the apt source.list file please see the Configuring Apt Sources - Wiki page. Inside Debian New Debian Members Please welcome the following newest Debian Project Members: To find out more about our newest members or any Debian Developer, look for them on the Debian People list. Security Debian's Security Team releases current advisories on a daily basis. Some recently released advisories concern these packages: trafficserver Several vulnerabilities were discovered in Apache Traffic Server, a reverse and forward proxy server, which could result in information disclosure or denial of service. asterisk A flaw was found in Asterisk, an Open Source Private Branch Exchange. A buffer overflow vulnerability affects users that use PJSIP DNS resolver. This vulnerability is related to CVE-2022-24793. The difference is that this issue is in parsing the query record parse_query(), while the issue in CVE-2022-24793 is in parse_rr(). A workaround is to disable DNS resolution in PJSIP config (by setting nameserver_count to zero) or use an external resolver implementation instead. flask It was discovered that in some conditions the Flask web framework may disclose a session cookie. chromium Multiple security issues were discovered in Chromium, which could result in the execution of arbitrary code, denial of service or information disclosure. Other Popular packages gpgv - GNU privacy guard signature verification tool. 99,053 installations. gpgv is actually a stripped-down version of gpg which is only able to check signatures. It is somewhat smaller than the fully-blown gpg and uses a different (and simpler) way to check that the public keys used to make the signature are valid. There are no configuration files and only a few options are implemented. dmsetup - Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library. 77,769 installations. The Linux Kernel Device Mapper is the LVM (Linux Logical Volume Management) Team's implementation of a minimalistic kernel-space driver that handles volume management, while keeping knowledge of the underlying device layout in user-space. This makes it useful for not only LVM, but software raid, and other drivers that create "virtual" block devices. sensible-utils - Utilities for sensible alternative selection. 96,001 daily users. This package provides a number of small utilities which are used by programs to sensibly select and spawn an appropriate browser, editor, or pager. The specific utilities included are: sensible-browser sensible-editor sensible-pager. popularity-contest - The popularity-contest package. 90,758 daily users. The popularity-contest package sets up a cron job that will periodically anonymously submit to the Debian developers statistics about the most used Debian packages on the system. This information helps Debian make decisions such as which packages should go on the first CD. It also lets Debian improve future versions of the distribution so that the most popular packages are the ones which are installed automatically for new users. New and noteworthy packages in unstable Toolkit for scalable simulation of distributed applications SimGrid is a toolkit that provides core functionalities for the simulation of distributed applications in heterogeneous distributed environments. SimGrid can be used as a Grid simulator, a P2P simulator, a Cloud simulator, a MPI simulator, or a mix of all of them. The typical use-cases of SimGrid include heuristic evaluation, application prototyping, and real application development and tuning. This package contains the dynamic libraries and runtime. LDraw mklist program 3D CAD programs and rendering programs using the LDraw parts library of LEGO parts rely on a file called parts.lst containing a list of all available parts. The program ldraw-mklist is used to generate this list from a directory of LDraw parts. Open Lighting Architecture - RDM Responder Tests The DMX512 standard for Digital MultipleX is used for digital communication networks commonly used to control stage lighting and effects. The Remote Device Management protocol is an extension to DMX512, allowing bi-directional communication between RDM-compliant devices without disturbing other devices on the same connection. The Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) provides a plugin framework for distributing DMX512 control signals. The ola-rdm-tests package provides an automated way to check protocol compliance in RDM devices. parsec-service Parsec is an abstraction layer that can be used to interact with hardware-backed security facilities such as the Hardware Security Module (HSM), the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), as well as firmware-backed and isolated software services. The core component of Parsec is the security service, provided by this package. The service is a background process that runs on the host platform and provides connectivity with the secure facilities of that host, exposing a platform-neutral API that can be consumed into different programming languages using a client library. For a client library implemented in Rust see the package librust-parsec-interface-dev. Simple network calculator and lookup tool Process and lookup network addresses from the command line or CSV with ripalc. Output has a variety of customisable formats. High performance, open source CPU/GPU miner and RandomX benchmark XMRig is a high performance, open source, cross platform RandomX, KawPow, CryptoNight, and GhostRider unified CPU/GPU miner and RandomX benchmark. Ping, but with a graph - Rust source code This package contains the source for the Rust gping crate, packaged by debcargo for use with cargo and dh-cargo. Once upon a time in Debian: 2014-07-31 The Technical committee choose libjpeg-turbo as the default JPEG decoder. 2010-08-01 DebConf10 starts New York City, USA 2007-08-05 Debian Maintainers approved by vote 2009-08-05 Jeff Chimene files bug #540000 against live-initramfs. Calls for help The Publicity team calls for volunteers and help! Your Publicity team is asking for help from you our readers, developers, and interested parties to contribute to the Debian news effort. We implore you to submit items that may be of interest to our community and also ask for your assistance with translations of the news into (your!) other languages along with the needed second or third set of eyes to assist in editing our work before publishing. If you can share a small amount of your time to aid our team which strives to keep all of us informed, we need you. Please reach out to us via IRC on #debian-publicity on, or our public mailing list, or via email at for sensitive or private inquiries.

1 July 2023

Dirk Eddelbuettel: New Achievement Unlocked: Bugfix Patch into Stable Release Update

Last weekend was the bi-annual time to roll the main machine and server to the current Ubuntu release, now at 23.04. It must now have been fifteen or so years that I have used Ubuntu for my desktop / server (for reasons I may write about another time). And of course it all passed swimmingly as usual. [ And a small aside, if I may. Among all these upgrades, one of my favourite piece of tech trivia that may well be too little known remains the dedication of the PostgreSQL maintainers installing the new version, now PostgreSQL 15, seamlessly in parallel with the existing one, in my case PostgreSQL 14, keeping both running (!!) on two neighbouring ports (!!) so that there is no service disruption. So at some point, maybe this weekend, I will run the provided script to dump-and-restore to trigger the database migration at my convenience. Happy PostgreSQL on Debian/Ubuntu user since the late 1990s. It. Just. Works. ] [ Similarly, it is plainly amazeballs how apt orders and runs package updates to service to keep running for a maximum amount of time. This machine acts as e.g. a web server and it was up and running (as were other services) while thousands of package got updated/replaced. It is pretty amazing. Whereas on other platforms people still maintain the do not ever update anything we demonstrably offer the opposite here. Really not too shabby. ] This time, I had one small hickup. Emacs, now at version 28 bringing loads of niceties along, would not load. And the error soon lead to a post on the magit list where its indefatigable author Jonas Bernoulli suggested a rebuild (and hence re-compilation of the elisp files). Which I did, and which allowed a start of VM inside Emacs. So I was happy. But it allowed it only once for each VM package reinstall. Not good, and I remained curious. Some more digging lead to a breakthrough. A post and commit at the Fedora Project indicated that for just VM within Emacs, byte-compilation throws a spanner. Which one can work around by telling Emacs not to compile the files in the VM folder. So I applied that patch to the VM package in a local build et voil we have working VM. The world is clearly better when your email client of 25+ years just works. And feels snappier because everything under Emacs28 feels snappier! So I set this up properly and filed Debian Bug Report #1039105. To which Ian Jackson, the maintainer, replied a few days later nodding that he could reproduce. And that he concurred with the bug report, and was planning to update throughout. And lo and behold this morning s update reveals that this made into an update for the just-released Debian Bookworm. So yay. In all these years of Debian maintainership (somewhere between twentyfive and thirty) this may be my first bug report with patch going straight into a stable release. But of course, true and full credit goes of course to G ran Uddeborg for putting it up first for Fedora. Lovely how Open Source can work together. We really should do more, not less, of that. But I digress Anyway, in sum: If you try to use VM under the lovely Emacs 28, there is a fix, and if you use it with Debian Bookworm the fix should hit your mirrors soons. Ditto, methinks, for the next Ubuntu release. If you use it under Ubuntu now, the package is (elisp) text-only and can be safely installed on a derivative (which we do not enjoy in general but which is fine here). So enjoy! If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

8 June 2023

Lisandro Dami n Nicanor P rez Meyer: Adventures in Debian's Qt land

Debian (I might as well say "we", this is the beauty of it) is about to release Debian 12 aka Bookworm. Let's take a quick look at what is new in Debian Qt land. Qt 5 Bookworm has Qt 5.15.8, which is nothing but great news. KDE will be switching to Qt 6 sooner than later and Qt 5 has been a fun ride, but Dmitry Shachnev and I needed a break, or at very least not handling two Qt versions. But in the end I need to be fair: you REALLY need to thank Dmitry for Qt 5. He has been the man power behind it in 99.5% of the cases. Qt 6 This will be the first Debian release to have official Qt 6 packages. NOTHING would have happened if it weren't for Patrick "Delta-One" Franz standing up to maintain it. BIG kudos to him! Well, there is a "little lie" in the paragraph above. Thanks to The Qt Company and ICS the current Qt 6 version, 6.4.2, is also available as Bullseye's backports. The Qt Company really also helped us here by providing us almost-to-be-released tarballs of Qt 6.4.2 so we were able to push them to unstable and do a transition in time for freeze, thanks a lot for that! So, what is the Qt 6 state? At the binary side all but OpenGL ES support should be there. Sadly this was discovered too late in the release process and we still might need help maintaining it (read the link to know why!). We are still not building the documentation. Properly building the whole documentation, as with Qt 5, would require all the Qt submodules' source code in one place, which we can't (easily?) do in Debian. So building the doc means hacking the build system and getting semi-linked documentation, much like with Qt 5. Now if you think you have an idea to solve this... we are happy to hear from you! Another great thing to know about Qt 6 is that, thanks to Helmut Grohne, pure Qt 6 applications should be able to cross compile. Applications using multi-arch enabled libraries ought to work too. Even more, many Qt submodules themselves should also cross compile! Not all of them, as we missed some patches in time, but hey, if you need to cross compile Qt, you surely can apply them yourselves! And finally tests, unit tests. In Qt 5 we had some of those, but none yet in Qt 6. This is one of the areas I would love to be able to put time... but time is scarce. The future? In my point of view the Debian 13 "Trixie" development cycle will see Qt 5 diminishing it's usage and Qt 6 becoming the major Qt version used, but from the Qt 4 experience I do not expect Qt 5 being dropped during this release cycle... let's see what the future brings us. Thanks! While I mentioned Dmitry and Patrick many more people helped us reach this place. I personally want to thank the people behind the KDE software, both upstream and, of course, the Debian maintainers. You should be thankful with them too, many hours of effort go into this. And thanks to you our dear users. We are normally overflowed with what we have in our hands and might not be up to the task sometimes, but hey, you are part of the reason we are doing this!

25 May 2023

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (March and April 2023)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

22 March 2023

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (January and February 2023)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

28 February 2023

Shirish Agarwal: Cutting off body parts and Lenovo

I would suggest that this blog post would be slightly unpleasant and I do wish that there was a way, a standardized way just like movies where you can put General, 14+, 16+, Adult and whatnot. so people could share without getting into trouble. I would suggest to consider this blog as for somewhat mature and perhaps disturbing.

Cutting off body parts From last couple of months or so we have been getting daily reports of either men or women killed and then being chopped into pieces and this is being normalized . During my growing up years, the only such case I remember was the 1995 Tandoor case and it jolted the conscience of the nation. But it seems lot of water has passe under the bridge. as no one seems to be shocked anymore  Also shocking are the number of heart attacks that young people are getting. Dunno the reason for either. Just saw this yesterday, The first thing to my mind was, at least she wasn t chopped. It was only latter I realized that the younger sister may have wanted to educate herself or have some other drreams, but because of some evil customs had to give hand in marriage. No outrage here for anything, not even child marriage :(. How have we become so insensitive. And it s mostly Hindus killing Hindus but still no outrage. We have been killing Muslims and Christians so that I guess is just par for the course :(. I wish I could say there is a solution but there seems to be not  Even Child abuse cases have been going up but sad to say even they are being normalised. It s only when a US agency or somebody who feels shocked, then we feel shocked otherwise we have become numb

AMD and Lenovo Lappies About couple of months ago I had made a blog post about lappies. Then Russel reached out to me on Twitter and we engaged. One thing lead to other and soon I saw on some other topic somewhere came across this
The above is a video presentation given by Mark Pearson. Sad to say it was not illuminating enough. Especially the whole boothole thing. I did see three blog posts to get some more insight. The security entry did also share some news. I also reached out to Mr. Pearson to know both the status and also to enquire if there are any new lappies without an OS that I can buy from Lenovo. Sadly, both these e-mails went unanswered. Maybe they went to spam or something else, have no clue. While other organizations did work on it, Debian was kinda side-lined. Hence the annoyance from the Debian Maintainers that the whole thing came from the left field. And this doesn t just effect Debian but all those downstream distributions that rely on Debian  . Now while it s almost a year since then and probably all has been fixed but there haven t been any instructions that I could find that tellls me if there is any new way or just the old way works. In any case, I do think bookworm release probably would have all the fixes needed. IIRC, we just entered soft freeze just couple of weeks back. I have to admit something though, I have never used secure-boot as it has been designed, partially because I always run testing, irrespective of whatever device I use. And AFAIK the whole idea of Secure Boot is to have few updates unlike Testing which is kinda a rolling release thing. While Secure Boot wants same bits, all underlying bits, in Testing it s hard to ensure that as the idea is to test new releases of software and see what works and what breaks till we send it to final release (something like Bookworm ). FWIW, currently bookworm and Testing is one and the same till Bookworm releases, and then Testing would have its own updates from the next hour/day after.

24 January 2023

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (November and December 2022)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

20 December 2022

Freexian Collaborators: Recent improvements to Tryton's Debian Packaging (by Mathias Behrle and Rapha l Hertzog)

Foreword Freexian has been using Tryton for a few years to handle its invoicing and accounting. We have thus also been using the Debian packages maintained by Mathias Behrle and we have been funding some of his work because maintaining an ERP with more than 50 source packages was too much for him to handle alone on his free time. When Mathias discovered our Project Funding initiative, it was quite natural for him to consider applying to be able to bring some much needed improvements to Tryton s Debian packaging. He s running his own consulting company (MBSolutions) so it s easy for him to invoice Freexian to get the money for the funded projects. What follows is Mathias Behrle s description of the projects that he submitted and of the work that he achieved. If you want to contact him, you can reach out to or You can also follow him on Mastodon.

Report In January 2022 I applied for two projects in the Freexian Project Funding Initiative.
  • Tryton Project 1
    • The starting point of this project was Debian Bug #998319: tryton-server should provide a ready-to-use production-grade server config. To address this problem instead of only providing configuration snippets the idea was to provide a full featured guided setup of a Tryton production environment, thus eliminating the risks of trial and error for the system administrator.
  • Tryton Project 2
    • The goal of this project was to complete the available Tryton modules in Debian main with the latest set available from and to automate the task of creating new Debian packages from Tryton modules as much as possible.

Accomplishments As the result of Task 1, several new packages emerged:
  • tryton-server-postgresql provides the guided setup of a PostgreSQL database backend.
  • tryton-server-uwsgi provides the installation and configuration of a robust WSGI server on top of tryton-server.
  • tryton-server-nginx provides the configuration of a scalable web frontend to the uwsgi server, including the optional setup of secure access by Letsencrypt certificates.
  • tryton-server-all-in-one puts it all together to provide a fully functional Tryton production environment, including a database filled with basic static data. With the installation of this package a robust and secure production grade setup is possible from scratch, all configuration leg work is done in the background.
The work was thoroughly reviewed by Neil Williams. Thanks go to him for his detailed feedback providing very valuable information from the view of a fresh Tryton user getting in first contact with the software. A cordial thank you as well goes to the translation teams providing initial reviews and translations for the configuration questions. The efforts of Task 1 were completed with Task 2:
  • A Tryton specific version of PyPi2deb was created to help in the preparation of new Debian packages for new Tryton modules.
  • All missing Tryton modules for the current series were packaged for Debian.
On top of those two planned projects, I completed an additional task: the packaging of the Tryton Web Client. The Web Client is a quite important feature to access a Tryton server with the browser and even a crucial requirement for some companies. Unfortunately the packaging of the Web Client for Debian was problematic from the beginning. tryton-sao requires exact versions of JavaScript libraries that are almost never guaranteed to be available in the different targeted Debian releases. Therefore a package with vendored libraries has been created and will hopefully soon hit the Debian main archive. The package is already available from the Tryton Backport Mirror for the usually supported Debian releases.

Summary I am very pleased that the Tryton suite in Debian has gained full coverage of Tryton modules and a user-friendly installation. The completion of the project represents a huge step forward in the state-of-the-art deployment of a production grade Tryton environment. Without the monetary support of Freexian s project funding the realization of this project wouldn t have been possible in this way and to this extent.

30 November 2022

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (September and October 2022)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

12 November 2022

Debian Brasil: About Debian Brasil at Latinoware 2022

From November 2nd to 4th, 2022, the 19th edition of Latinoware - Latin American Congress of Free Software and Open Technologies took place in Foz do Igua u. After 2 years happening online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was back in person and we felt Debian Brasil community should be there. Out last time at Latinoware was in 2016 The Latinoware organization provided the Debian Brazil community with a booth so that we could have contact with people visiting the open exhibition area and thus publicize the Debian project. During the 3 days of the event, the booth was organized by me (Paulo Henrique Santana) as Debian Developer, and by Leonardo Rodrigues as Debian contributor. Unfortunately Daniel Lenharo had an issue and could not travel to Foz do Igua u (we miss you there!). Latinoware 2022 booth 1 A huge number of people visited the booth, and the beginners (mainly students) who didn't know Debian, asked what our group was about and we explained various concepts such as what Free Software is, GNU/Linux distribution and Debian itself. We also received people from the Brazilian Free Software community and from other Latin American countries who were already using a GNU/Linux distribution and, of course, many people who were already using Debian. We had some special visitors as Jon maddog Hall, Debian Developer Emeritus Ot vio Salvador, Debian Developer Eriberto Mota, and Debian Maintainers Guilherme de Paula Segundo and Paulo Kretcheu. Latinoware 2022 booth 4 Photo from left to right: Leonardo, Paulo, Eriberto and Ot vio. Latinoware 2022 estande 5 Photo from left to right: Paulo, Fabian (Argentina) and Leonardo. In addition to talking a lot, we distributed Debian stickers that were produced a few months ago with Debian's sponsorship to be distributed at DebConf22 (and that were left over), and we sold several Debian t-shirts) produced by Curitiba Livre community). Latinoware 2022 booth 2 Latinoware 2022 booth 3 We also had 3 talks included in Latinoware official schedule. I) talked about: "how to become a Debian contributor by doing translations" and "how the SysAdmins of a global company use Debian". And Leonardo) talked about: "advantages of Open Source telephony in companies". Latinoware 2022 booth 6 Photo Paulo in his talk. Many thanks to Latinoware organization for once again welcoming the Debian community and kindly providing spaces for our participation, and we congratulate all the people involved in the organization for the success of this important event for our community. We hope to be present again in 2023. We also thank Jonathan Carter for approving financial support from Debian for our participation at Latinoware. Portuguese version
